Renovation Fund

We are engaged in a long term project to renovate SMWC so that it can be a more welcoming and flexible space with a smaller impact on the environment and climate. This will enable more of the community to use the building for a greater variety of activites. A place for prayer and worship will remain at the heart of the building and the community

Phase one was raising £54,000 for new moveable stackable chairs. We are thankful to God and the community this is complete and the chairs have made so much possible.

Phase two was the removal of the old and inefficient gas heating system and the installation of a smart electric system called Church Ecomiser. This enabes us to use electricity from renewable sources to heat the church. This cost approximately £57,000 and we are thankful for the provision of the funds to complete this part of the renovation.

Phase three is the repainting of the interior of the church building making it a lighter and cleaner space for all who enjoy it and the redesign of the North entrance to enable a view into the church and a warmer welcome from the street outside. This will cost approximately £40,000.

All our funds come from congregational giving, grants and the income from hall hires. We thank God for the provision of people and funds to continue developing the church building as a place for all who live, work learn and play in the neighbourhood.

 If you would like to give to this project, you can do so here.

Thank you